The Journal of Archaeology and Tourism Research (JATR) is a peer- reviewed journal published twice a year (June and December editions) by the Department of Archaeology and Tourism, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria. It publishes original papers addressing recent research and developments in archaeology, tourism, history, cultural studies, indigenous knowledge systems hospitality management, leisure studies, event management and related disciplines. The Journal encourages debate over the nature, meaning and practice of archaeology and tourism as well as their link to history, identity, memory, place and place attachment, etc. Articles may include issues emerging from Archaeological research, Heritage Studies, Museum Studies, History, Tourism Studies, Sociology, Anthropology, Memory Studies, Cultural Geography, Law, Cultural Studies, and Interpretation and Design. JATR publishes articles, reviews, research reports, brief notes that fall within the scope of the journal. JATR welcomes papers from every part of the world but has special interest in sub-Sahara Africa, Nigeria in particular. All correspondences including manuscripts should be addressed to:
The Editor, Journal of Archaeology and Tourism Research (JATR), Department of Archaeology and Tourism, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria.
Email: jatr@unn.edu.ng
Dr. Elochukwu A. Nwankwo
0803 755 8675
Associate Editor
Dr. Obinna F. Emeafor
Associate Editor
Prof. Emeka Okonkwo